“A Mother”

“A Mother” is an incredibly moving free-verse dedication, written by my precious daughter…



A Mother
by PrincessDarkGril



“A Story of a Mother.

A mother. What she does is extraordinary, a nature of which us children do not understand. She puts the roof over your head, feeds you, buys things and toys for you, cleans up after you, keeps you safe. And most of all, she is over-protective. I know sometimes that it can be annoying when she is, but if you truly understood her ways, you would know her reasoning behind it.

She is there to support you, like a shoulder to cry on, when you need her most. She is someone you can…”

Continue Reading Here, at PrincessDarkGril on deviantArt »




*Note to My Daughter:

Thank you SOo very much, Sweetheart… Your words brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face; you may never truly know just how much they –how much YOU— mean to me!

All my love & glomps,
Mommy ❤



Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 9 2011

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That’s a simplified explanation of Newton’s Third Law. Keep it in mind today if you encounter a conflict with an angry or agitated person. React to hostility with kindness. React to anxiety with serenity. Respond to righteousness with humility. This isn’t always easy to do. But for you it might come naturally. You have an innate affinity for mediation and diplomacy. You may have to calm yourself down first, but once you do you can achieve amazing success this way.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 8 2011

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You’ve probably heard that adage so many times it’s become a cliche. But today it couldn’t be more true, and more applicable to your own life. You may see that someone is making a big mistake. This is someone you’re close to, and naturally you may feel that it’s reasonable to point out the problem and help address it. But if you do, you may be in for a much bumpier ride than you can now imagine. Don’t offer your assistance unless you are asked directly, and even then you need to make sure you have the time and the energy and the resources to do so comfortably.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 7 2011

Even people who seem to have the sunniest personalities and always tend to look on the bright side can’t help but gawk when they pass by a car accident. We are all caught up by shocking events that occur in other people’s lives. You may soon be intrigued by someone’s drama. Most likely, you will be associated with it only on the periphery, yet you will find it interesting enough to pay attention to it. Don’t be drawn into anything negative now, Gemini. Look the other way if someone tries to entice you into gossip or asks you to get involved somehow in an indiscreet situation. You’ll be glad you avoided it.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 6 2011

Someone’s dark outlook may be contagious, Gemini, so be selective in choosing who you spend time with right now. You are vulnerable to the moodiness of others today, so you need to always opt for brighter activities and upbeat people. Someone you know well may seek you out very soon, but this person has a rather negative personality at times. He or she likes to throw pity parties and frequently invites you to commiserate. That’s an easy rut to fall into, so be cautious. Try to gravitate toward more uplifting choices instead.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 5 2011

Relief is in sight, Gemini. A problem that has left you feeling deflated and defeated is about to end rather suddenly. This solution may occur in such an out-of-the-blue way that you will become suspicious that it isn’t authentic. But the more you question it, the less viable the resolution will be. When you receive a blessing from the universe today, make sure you accept it with faith and with gratitude. To start questioning would be like saying that you don’t believe you are worthy of the gift you are receiving.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 4 2011

Someone may be trying to gain your support or your sympathy over an ill-advised endeavor. A person you know well – probably someone who is typically rather immature and unwise – has made an error or a bad decision. This person now wants you to help make things right. And although you probably could lend a helping hand to make things better, it might not be a good idea to set that precedent. If you enable this person to keep screwing up by rushing to the rescue each time, things will never change. Know when to draw the line.

Gemini Horoscope by DailyHoroscope (http://bit.ly/DHmobile) | Oct 3 2011

You have probably heard it said that there is no such thing as a coincidence. And although that’s not entirely true all of the time, it certainly does apply to a sense of deja vu you’re experiencing right now, Gemini. Something keeps happening. Some reminder keeps popping up. It’s happened too often to be happenstance, yet you probably keep telling yourself that that’s exactly what it is. Are you afraid to face the message you’re getting? If so, don’t be. Once you accept what the universe is trying to tell you, you will be overwhelmed by the realization that you are on the right path, at just the right time.