Our Divine Ascension

“Are you feeling sad, confused, lost, and/or lonely? Are bouts of depression getting worse? Are you experiencing unexplained body aches and pains, disorientation, loss of time, loss of memory, sudden career or relationship changes, more alienated than ever from the world, excessive lethargy, heightened sensitivities to foods, medicines, or supplements, surges of unexplained emotion, unusual dreams, lashing out, alternate realities, or feeling like you are in several (or more than one) place(s) at once?

If so, you are not alone…  If so, you are most likely experiencing DNA shifts as we [all of creation] move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

It Is Important To Know That You Are Not Alone

Most everyone is experiencing these RAM symptoms to a degree.  Very few, it seems, are gliding through Mother Earth’s ascension into the fourth and fifth dimensions with ease and joy.

Some pass these symptoms off as physiological in nature, psychological, etc. But this is not the case.  Everything is physically ascending. 

Still unsure about the truth to this statement?…”

(Go Here to Read the Full Article, ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM R.A.M. (RAPID ASCENSION MOVEMENT)?, by Deidre Madsen)


“Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating, you are planning. …What are you planning?”

“Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.”
– Abraham, by Jerry & Esther Hicks

Nuclear Disaster in Japan

Concerned Citizens of the World,

The recent disaster unfolding in Fukushima, Japan is a devastating, and pivotal, reminder of the dangers of nuclear power.

Right now the President has $36 billion in taxpayer giveaways, going to the nuclear industry to build more plants here in the U.S., in his proposed budget. Please join me and tell the President and your members of Congress that there is no place for taxpayer giveaways for the nuclear industry in the budget. Just click on the link below…

GreenPeace.Org | Advocacy

Bright Blessings*
And thank you so much, in advance, for both your time and your support!

Tonight’s Sky…!

Lunar libration. see below for more descriptions

Image via Wikipedia

Lunar Phase: Full moon
Lunar Cycle: Day 14
Percent Full: 99% (Note: Moon was 100% full @ 1:11pm earlier today.)
Moon is in Virgo

Don’t miss it!
Be sure to look up and catch a glimpse of tonight’s “Super Moon” -a full moon, closer to earth than it’s been in nearly 20 yrs. (since Mar ’93)!

Learn More @
NASA Science

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